I sure am enjoying this fun stage in life with my kids. They just make me smile and laugh everyday...I love it. Here's a few keeper quotes/experiences:
Seth is in a little play at school and has been casted as the Prince. You can tell he is half excited/half embarrassed about the whole thing. He was reciting some of the lines the other day and we were chuckling at the lines he had to say to the Princess such as, "Did I tell you how wonderful you are??" I asked what he thought about the girl he was acting with. He said, "Well, she's ok. She isn't THAT annoying!" (I suppose this could be considered a compliment coming from a 10 year old boy!!)
I guess Clara (dressed as a princess) wasn't in the mood to pray one day when I asked her to. She said..."Princesses don't know how to pray...cuz they don't know about the church." Nice try, Clara.
Then a few days later she said, "Mom, Scooby-Doo knows about the church!" I wanted a further explanation on this one. She said, "He knows about the church because there are cemeteries in Scooby-Doo movies...!" Um...so I guess that ONLY members of the church die and have a need for cemeteries. :)
For Halloween Jacob was a Oregon Ducks football player. He was so darn cute with those big shoulder/knee pads (which would be Brad's socks)...looking broad and bulky with those skinny little legs. I was helping at school at his Halloween party and he comes over to me with a panicked look on his face. He looked down to show me that his 'shoulder padding' had fallen down....and now was repositioned in the general groin area. I tried not to laugh...but was absolutely dying! Poor guy ended up with more than he had bargained for :)
Yesterday was the Primary Program at church. It was a memorable one for sure. We knew that Clara loved to sing...but her performance was a bit of a surprise to us! Let's just say it was Clara...with the rest of the Primary children as her back-up :) She sang absolutely SO loud...I wasn't sure if I should smile, cringe, cry or laugh. She sang her heart out...no inhibitions whatsoever. The good thing about it is that she knew every single word to every song. The downside is that you could hardly hear if anyone ELSE knew the words as well! We chuckled the whole way through...and so did the rest of the congregation. I wish I had a recording to share....